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12068428333 Phone Number Reverse Lookup
Phone Owner Unknown
Caller ID Unknown
Caller Type Unknown
Type of Phone Landline
Carrier Qwest Corporation
City Bainbridge Island
State Washington
County Kitsap
County Population 232000
Local Timezone PT
User Reports
Report a Caller
Received a call from 12068428333 phone number or have any information availible? Report immediately.
Posted: 5th Dec, 2009 by dan
These people have called maybe ten times in the last two weeks. They have called at 9:30 am on a Saturday, and even on Sunday evening and as late as allowed on a weekday (9 pm?). Sometimes they call twice a day. I do not know who they are - have had no business with them. They do not leave a message. When we do answer the phone, the line is blank - no one is there. When I call back, there is a message that says, "All representatives are busy with other callers, please wait on the line for the next available..." But I hang up at that point. Yesterday (4 December 09) someone was actually there when I answered the phone. She did not identify herself or her company or why the call. She began, "This phone call may be monitored or recorded ..." I said, "I want you to quit calling me." She said, "What?" Again I said, "I want you to quit calling me." The representative then ignored what I said and resumed her script, "This phone call may be monitored or recorded..." I hung up. I have reported this to the National DO NOT CALL REGISTRY, but that has not helped. Maybe my next step is to report it to the telephone company or attorney general as harassment?
Posted: 11th Jul, 2009 by T
I want to register a complaint on a company that continually calls me after I have asked them to stop calling. The person they are looking for does not live at my number. When I call the company to speak with a supervisor to get my name and number removed I get spoken to very rudely and hung up on. The Company is Student Assistance at 765-283-3498. Thank you!!
Phone owner: Student Assistance
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Phone number variations : 2068428333 - 206 842 8333 - 206-842-8333